
Oceans are an endless source of inspiration. Waves create a dynamic play in the water. They are created by wind, tides, seaquakes, volcanic eruptions, among others, and take on all kinds of dimensions. You take a visual journey through time, where thousands of years of history are vividly reflected in the ever-changing shades of blue. I invite the viewer to witness the power and majesty of nature as manifested in the swirling movements of water, waves and clouds.

My seascapes are a composition of the interplay of lines of sky, water and sand. I capture the movement of the water, along with the reflections of sunlight and the specific time of day. They serve as windows into a world where nature reigns supreme, offering viewers a glimpse of the awe-inspiring beauty that surrounds us. Each image tells a story of resilience and transformation, reminding us of the ever-changing nature of the world and our place in it.


Nominee Black & Spider Award 2023 - Category Fine Art

Night fall

Sunset Silver & Gold

Golden Camp

In the cloud - sunrise

Seahorses (I&II ) | Symbiosis of Blue & White (I&II)

Whisper wave | Whisper wave twin

Shades of grey | Clouddrop - a tribute to René magritte

Dam at the crack of dawn I & II

Nominee Black & Spider Awards 2024 - Category Nature - I

Ionic Seascape

Seascape at Cape

Edge of Turbulence - Go against the flow | Storm | Go with the flow


Bananas Canoe | Natural playground

Cocoon shell - Gems from the sea

Close - Marine life

Carmel’s Calmness | Marvel’s Power | Misty Pacific

FEP Award 2023 - Merit in category nature

Meditation and focus


